Next shows!!!!

Reminder for:
Zurich – Switzerland
A special project for the opening: "Allow II"
Red Door Gallery – Zurich, Switzerland 28 February to 5 April 2008
Vernisage: Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 19:30
"I will invite people to comb my hair as an act of love. Taking care of someone we don't know and not expecting anything back other than the satisfaction of doing it.
Or they can actually choose a bracelet and write a word on it to put on my arm. People is free to either express or not express why they want to donate that to me. I would like us to reflect on what we give to others, what is it that we choose to give to someone.
Some people find more difficult to communicate with words and are more attached to physical gestures and their power, others prefer to keep a distance rather than being immediately confident. The pureness of a gesture with no personal involvement is what I mean to rescue with this healing ritual."
Next Shows and activities:
Castello Carlo V – Lecce, Italy
Performance, soon with specific news
Galleria M’Arte - Imperia
Solo show, soon more news
May – Installation
A Key, a prayer – Trapani, Sicily
This artwork is now part of the Permanent Collection of the DiArt Foundation in Sicily, it will be installed definitively by the end of April right before the new opening of the Collection after having re-structured all the spaces. The installation is still open for those who are willing to send a key and a story, if you are interested please send the key and the story following the instructions on my website Projects menu, you can send it to my studio address
Borgo San Lorenzo 11
50123 Firenze
May 4th
Conference on the DiArt Permanent Collection of Contemporary Art
It will be presented in the Conference Room in the DiArt Foundation in Trapani, Sicily
The Foundation can offer hospitality at a very good price, please contact me for further information at Also important to RVSP
Sardinia – Lazzaretto di Sant’Elia, Cagliari
Site specific installation, curated by Bianca Laura Petretto, soon more news
Zurich – Switzerland
A special project for the opening: "Allow II"
Red Door Gallery – Zurich, Switzerland 28 February to 5 April 2008
Vernisage: Thursday, February 28, 2008 at 19:30
"I will invite people to comb my hair as an act of love. Taking care of someone we don't know and not expecting anything back other than the satisfaction of doing it.
Or they can actually choose a bracelet and write a word on it to put on my arm. People is free to either express or not express why they want to donate that to me. I would like us to reflect on what we give to others, what is it that we choose to give to someone.
Some people find more difficult to communicate with words and are more attached to physical gestures and their power, others prefer to keep a distance rather than being immediately confident. The pureness of a gesture with no personal involvement is what I mean to rescue with this healing ritual."
Next Shows and activities:
Castello Carlo V – Lecce, Italy
Performance, soon with specific news
Galleria M’Arte - Imperia
Solo show, soon more news
May – Installation
A Key, a prayer – Trapani, Sicily
This artwork is now part of the Permanent Collection of the DiArt Foundation in Sicily, it will be installed definitively by the end of April right before the new opening of the Collection after having re-structured all the spaces. The installation is still open for those who are willing to send a key and a story, if you are interested please send the key and the story following the instructions on my website Projects menu, you can send it to my studio address
Borgo San Lorenzo 11
50123 Firenze
May 4th
Conference on the DiArt Permanent Collection of Contemporary Art
It will be presented in the Conference Room in the DiArt Foundation in Trapani, Sicily
The Foundation can offer hospitality at a very good price, please contact me for further information at Also important to RVSP
Sardinia – Lazzaretto di Sant’Elia, Cagliari
Site specific installation, curated by Bianca Laura Petretto, soon more news