di Bologna e l'arte
Quest'edizione della Fiera di Bologna a mio avviso è stata la migliore, di quelle che io ho visto. Un flusso di visitatori che già alle 10:20 facevano la fila per entrare (meno male che io avevo i pass d'ingresso) le gallerie straniere erano senz'altro proposte molto interessanti, voglio sopratutto evidenziare una galleria di Rep. Ceca Vernon Projekt che aveva delle proposte veramente "rinfrescanti" con rispetto a tutte le altre gallerie http://www.vernonfineart.cz/ loro rapprensetavano sia italiano che artisti cechi. Comunque una buona parte aveva almeno uno o due artisti che ho apprezzato molto.
Ho intervistato Mike Giant http://www.mikegiant.com/ siamo dovuti rifuggiarci nella sala stampa perchè all'interno della galleria erano semrpe a fare foto, chiedergli autografi ecc... ed io che lo chiamavo con tutta tranquilità Hi Mike ;)
Di lui e del suo modo così naturale di vivere il suo percorso artistico scriverò un'articolo presto.
Ho visto opere importanti e profonde di Manuela Sedmach, Zamboni, ma senz'altro uno dei miei preferiti è Robert Barta http://www.robertbarta.de/
Anche le galleria italiane giovani hanno avuto in parte la mia approvazione, certo non sono mancati i soliti stand di gallerie storiche che vendono solo ed esclusivamente quelli famosi e quasi tutti morti, che vanno li all'incontro con collezionisti e non sono certo il luogo dove le proposte emergenti o recentemente emerse si espongono. Quel genere comunque l'ho accuratamente evitato anche perchè spesso il gallerista oppure l'assistente è seduto chino a leggersi il giornale ed anche se le proponessi un articolo sulla Nazione, sarebbe difficile suscitare il suo interesse.
Dopo tre padiglioni, mille incontri e conversazioni, un panino e mezzo di plastica, i piedi cominciano a cedere quindi ho finito solo per dare una breve occhiata all'ultima parte ed alla zona dedicata alle pubblicazioni.
In stazione ho incontrato Christian Rainer abbiamo parlato del suo ultimo album "How this word resounds" e del suo prossimo album "Turn Love to Hate", lui con la sua creatività che si espande nell'aria è stato un bel modo di finire il salto nel sistem dell'arte.
This last edition of the Art Fair in Bologna in my opinion has been the best, out of those I’ve visited. A flow of visitors that already at 10:20 were in line to enter (Thank God I had passes already) The foreign galleries had the most interesting proposals, important to mention, among those, a gallery from Czech Rep. Vernon Projekt that really had such a ”refreshing” space http://www.vernonfineart.cz/ they had both Italian and Czech artists.
However a good part of the galleries had at least one or two artists that I appreciated a lot.
I have interviewed Mike Giant http://www.mikegiant.com we had to run and hide in the press room, at the gallery space was impossible to talk between people willing him to autograph their notebooks, pictures etc… and me that I was calling him Just Mike!!!! I’ll write an article about him and his natural way of approaching art soon.
Deep and strong works by Manuela Sedmach, Zamboni, and one of my favourite ones was Robert Barta http://www.robertbarta.de/
Young Italian galleries were certainly interesting, of course the usual historical galleries were not missing, those that only sell they Hyper Famous and almost all death artists, they only go there to meet specific collectors, they are the type of people that are sitting in a small table reading the news paper and even If I go and offer them an article in New York Times, they won’t even glance at me.
Those I accurately avoid!!!
After three pavilions, meetings and conversations, a sandwich with the plastic taste, feet began to yield therefore I ended by giving just a glance to the last part and to the area dedicated to publications.
However a good part of the galleries had at least one or two artists that I appreciated a lot.
I have interviewed Mike Giant http://www.mikegiant.com we had to run and hide in the press room, at the gallery space was impossible to talk between people willing him to autograph their notebooks, pictures etc… and me that I was calling him Just Mike!!!! I’ll write an article about him and his natural way of approaching art soon.
Deep and strong works by Manuela Sedmach, Zamboni, and one of my favourite ones was Robert Barta http://www.robertbarta.de/
Young Italian galleries were certainly interesting, of course the usual historical galleries were not missing, those that only sell they Hyper Famous and almost all death artists, they only go there to meet specific collectors, they are the type of people that are sitting in a small table reading the news paper and even If I go and offer them an article in New York Times, they won’t even glance at me.
Those I accurately avoid!!!
After three pavilions, meetings and conversations, a sandwich with the plastic taste, feet began to yield therefore I ended by giving just a glance to the last part and to the area dedicated to publications.
At the Train Station I met Christian Rainer, we spoke about its last album "How this word resounds" and of his next album "Turn Love to Hate",he with his creativity that expands in the air was a lovely way of finishing this short bath in the art system!!!